
Showing posts from December, 2009

Kenyon Hall Christmas

The Hall had a heartwarming crowd Saturday night. Balorico had the pleasure of presenting two student showcases, an elegant Viennese Waltz and a Ladies Mambo,a tribute to Paladium dancer-extraordinaire of the past, Miss Millie Donay. Join us in welcoming 2010 with a Dance party/lesson Monday Dec. 28th, 6-7pm $5 admission/ $2 kids. Learn some easy to follow line dances and preview what we have in store for 2010. Call to register 206 679-7229 or email us at

Gift Giving Ideas

Happy Holidays to everyone! This month, our holiday promotion will hopefully help you out with the list of people you still can't figure out what to get ***Gift of Dance Certificates*** for: $45/ 1 sixty-minute parent-child dance lesson (2-8 people)... Get together a group of kids or teens with parents and enjoy some quality family learning time, not to mention a memorable dance moment to hold onto after the holidays. Dance party idea ;) REMINDER: This week's beginner Ballroom class is held Wednesday 12/16 @ 6pm at Kenyon Hall. Please call to register at 206 679-7229