
Showing posts from April, 2010

This Week!

A full weekend of dancing events around Seattle! Some highlights include the launch of our Summer Youth Program starting June 7th for kids & teens. Fellow mambo dancer Andre Mintz opened his new studio in Fremont this weekend and Balorico was there to promote AfroPeruvian culture with a little festejo! At the hall this weekend we also hosted our first Open House (Hip Hop meets AfroPeruvian/Salsa beats...check it out) Free youth preview classes begin May 10th - Ballroomagic TM 4pm (ages 8 and up) followed by a Hip Hop all ages class at 5pm with guest artist Erik Paul $10. It was a great evening of live music and dancing. After the Salsa Mixer, guests waltzed, tried some American Tango and danced to some fun Hip Hop choreography. Performances included an American Tango by Balorico dancers Magda Cygan (Polandia), Joey Hughes (good 'ol USA), Kristina Clark(Mejicana-Peruana-Americana) and Ilya Kilmov from Russia.... an imprompt AfroPeruvian dance duet by Kristina and myself...and w...

Classes & clinics resume

Back from New York with a lot to share. Save The DATE: Monday April 26th, 6pm BALORICO open house at Kenyon Hall. FREE 15 minute dance lessons and demonstrations of Smooth & Rhythm dances. All new classes & schedule will be posted then. ***Childrens' classes begin in May** Part 2 of the Afroperuvian Cajon & Percussion clinic continues Wednesday April 21, 7:30pm-9pm, $20 donation. Bring your own percussion instrument (if you don't have any spoons, dough rollers, or anything that creates a nice sound is great and fun!) Cajones available by request. Also I will be performing a solo demonstration of FESTEJO de VALENTINA at the Freemont Salsa Academy Sunday 4/25...stay tuned for more activity at this other hotspot for dance! spread the word, text, email...vamos a bailar!