
Showing posts from March, 2017

READY TO DANCE - Mondays West Seattle

This Monday March 6th , activate your work week with dancing! Our Spring Dance series includes 8 sessions of Ballroom Dancing (6pm), Salsa on2  partner work & spinning (7pm) and AfroLatin Jazz (8pm). Sign up at Beginner-friendly classes for all and adaptable level-based challenges for more experienced dancers. Now is the time to train and be ready for a fun summer of dancing. 10% off for 2nd/3rd courses. Mark your calendars for a destination Portland salsa weekend, Sept. 7-9 , as E.Mayimbe and BALORICO represent Seattle at the East Meets West Portland Salsa Festival . (Professional shows, great guest DJ's, hotel stay and 3 nights of non-stop dancing in relaxing downtown Portland. For tickets, contact Vanessa) ...Also, Thursday March 23rd , for those wanting to delve in a little deeper with supporting Latino artists of the Northwest, La Sala's BESOS (kisses) Not Walls event includes a lovely evening of live music, art making and community bui...