
Showing posts from September, 2011

Performing Tonite at Velocity

Hi Everyone, Tonight I'll be performing at Velocity's Fall Kick Off , a modern showcase of the most popular contemporary choreographers works. I'll be dancing in Wade Madsen's piece. This week, please note NO CLASSES MONDAY at Kenyon Hall and NO CLASS WEDNESDAY (due to the Neptune Theater event) Tuesdays are now the ongoing day for Balorico open group classes. 9/27 We conclude the Sept. Salsa Adv. Beginner cycle (series III) from 7:30-8:30pm. October kicks of with the following classes open to the public: Tuesdays BEGINNER SALSA/BACHATA 6pm-7pm POWER DRILLS 7-7:30pm (DropIn $8) ADV. BEGINNER SALSA 7:30-8:30pm $15/class Drop-In or $65 Combo course (1.5 hr class) I have made it very easy for people to continue developing their technique while focusing on progressing through syllabus figures. Enjoy! ALL CLASSES BEGIN 10/4 please rsvp. Cardio Fitness at Seattle University's *new* Recreation &Fitness center Tuesdays/Thursdays 12noon LATIN LUNCH and Wednesdays 4pm P...

The new Monday IS TUESDAY

If you've read the post online about the Neptune Theater , we're excited to be a part of the opening activities for this great new music venue. SAVE THE DATE: WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28th 6:30pm FREE FREE FREE FREE Dance music, Dance lessons, Dance for the whole family... live salsa music playing as well as some fresh hip hop sounds from the guest DJ. (Thanks to Chi Duong who took some great promo shots) The new Monday is Tuesday for Balorico...if you've been with us you'll notice most of the regular group classes have been moved to TUESDAY nights temporarily through December. So check out the left side for class schedule. YOUTH BALLROOM will be running October-December. Currently these are the available times for classes: Mondays 4pm (at Kenyon Hall) and Thursdays 6pm (at the Balorico Studio)Please email to register or with any inquiries. FALL PROMO: Add a private lesson to any group class course and receive a 2nd private complimentary lesson (1 month ...

Salsa, salsa, salsa

Hi everyone, The sun is lovin Seattle and today there is Salsa at Alki! Enjoy! I will run class Monday Labor Day with a 6:30 Beginner Salsa & Bachata class and 7:30 Advanced Beginner Salsa on2. Make sure you RSVP. Also Wednesday night Drills class is running for September 7pm at the Balorico Studio. For October, the new Monday will be Tuesday-All classes will be moved since space is now limited. However look forward to our upcoming FALL PROMOTION for private lesson packages geared towards your personal learning. Youth Ballroom Fall Program is now open for enrollment. Ages 8+ Mondays 4pm-5pm begins Oct 10th. Limited size class. Email to register.