Performing Tonite at Velocity

Hi Everyone,
Tonight I'll be performing at Velocity's Fall Kick Off, a modern showcase of the most popular contemporary choreographers works. I'll be dancing in Wade Madsen's piece.

This week, please note NO CLASSES MONDAY at Kenyon Hall and NO CLASS WEDNESDAY (due to the Neptune Theater event) Tuesdays are now the ongoing day for Balorico open group classes. 9/27 We conclude the Sept. Salsa Adv. Beginner cycle (series III) from 7:30-8:30pm.

October kicks of with the following classes open to the public:

POWER DRILLS 7-7:30pm (DropIn $8)
$15/class Drop-In or $65 Combo course (1.5 hr class)
I have made it very easy for people to continue developing their technique while focusing on progressing through syllabus figures. Enjoy! ALL CLASSES BEGIN 10/4 please rsvp.

Cardio Fitness at Seattle University's *new* Recreation &Fitness center

Tuesdays/Thursdays 12noon LATIN LUNCH and Wednesdays 4pm POWER SALSA
This fall weather won't get us down and we're ready to keep the fire burning with more and more dancing....looking forward to seeing you all soon!

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