Something fun this SPRING

Create space for something FUN this Spring! Reap the rewards of learning to dance Salsa on2 & Bachata with BALORICO. Our next series registration is open. Wednesday night series dancers begin MARCH 5th. New beginners start learning MARCH 10th. Sign up with a buddy, neighbor or a loved one. Singles are welcome. No partner is needed to participate, just a positive attitude. Register today to get started or try a PRACTICA dance social to get to know the people and the dances. Beginners dance on Mondays at 7pm, Salsa & Bachata Level I starting March 10th. Dancers with prior Salsa experience join us Mondays at 8pm starting March 5th. This class is also a good fit for any Salsa on1 dancers looking to transition or integrate Salsa on2 into their repertoire. (Please make sure you know how to do a cross body lead.) Wednesdays 8pm we continue with a slightly shorter series focused on Salsa, Bachata & Cha Cha Cha. The Wednesday night class is open level. Learn t...