
Showing posts from November, 2017

Mondays 6:30-8pm Salsa & Bachata intensive

Drop in for our Winter Latin Dance Intensive running Mondays 6:30pm-8pm - Bachata & Salsa on2 now running through Dec. 18th. Six classes that are open level, beginner friendly. E.Mayimbe  and I will present CURATE (Heal thyself) at the  Seattle Salsa Congress  ! The duet centers on the power of commanding your body and being able to regenerate healing through the rhythm of the drum.   Limited discount Dream Passes available  at  CONGRATULATIONS to the lovely Winter Wedding duos !! Start early and get the results desired for that big day. Call to book your lessons (206) 679-7229 We had a blast at the Latin Rhythms event. The Reflections of OYA piece, in collaboration with the Seattle Women's Steel Pan Project, was performed to live music at the Meyenbauer in Bellevue.  The lovely Kiara Hall, Consuelo Palmer and Marisela Bustos shared their magic- much love! Sign up now for New Year Classes: 5pm All ages Hip ...