Thanksgiving update

Happy Holidays everyone!

BALORICO's inaugural season went off with a bang this fall and we are grateful to be have been able to share and promote dance in the Northwest.
Fall 2009 BALORICO was at:
the Women's University Club in Seattle celebrating "El Dia de la Cancion Criolla," the Peruvian fiesta celebrating the Day of the Creole Song. We presented a Viennese Waltz and other Peruvian traditional dances performed by students from our Ballroom classes at Kenyon Hall...we collaborated with Mt. Ranier High School's student dance club in coaching their final performance for the Latino Family Night...we had the wonderful opportunity to present an Afroperuvian masterclass with live percussion and dance at the Dance Educator's Association of Washington's fall conference held at Pacific Northwest Ballet's Francia Russel Center in Bellevue. Thank you to all the community leaders that made all this possible!

We're in the mix of planning our 2010 after-school residencies for our Ballroomagic TM
program. If you have a youth club, afterschool activity, birthday party or any other organized youth gathering and would like to integrate some partner dancing, please contact us at 206 679 7229

MONDAY DECEMBER 7th, 6pm-7pm (new time)
Salsa, Waltz, Merengue, Swing, etc. See you there!

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