Happy Fall everyone, it feel like October today with the crisp air.
Tonite I have the honor of performing at the Latino Heritage Awards hosted by the City of Seattle and the Mayor will be recognizing outstanding Latino leaders who have done great work in the community. On the bill is a solo FESTEJO de Valentina for myself and then a special guest appearance by my former teacher and friend Sonia Porras and her Academy of Peruvian Folk Dances. My dance partner and I will wrap up the cultural presentation with a SALSA number! Club Sur tonite 7pm, open to the public.
On another note, the fitness classes at Seattle U have been shaping up nicely-be sure to check it out sometime if you're in the mood for a Latin Lunch or Power Salsa cardio fitness break in your routine. Stay tuned for our next event at the Bellevue Seattle Museum coming in November for all ages.
....a Bailar!
Get into DANCE mode and join our SALSA & BACHATA dance series at Viva Arts dance studio. Mondays is for Beginners and Level II dancers. The new dance series begins Monday November 4th , 7pm for beginners and each class is progressive. Beginners signup here . Wednesday nights are for experienced dancers focused on improving turn patterns, musicality for dancers transferring from on1 dancing to on2 timing. With time, dancers understand the secret ingredient to feel-good dances…body movement and partner connection. Experienced dancers signup here for the November 6th Wednesday series. All signup links are on our Classes & Workshops page. Visit the studio and join us for our monthly PRÁCTICAS , no experience is needed and it’s an opportunity for a local night out with beginner-friendly guided dancing, as well as general practice time for regular students. Upcoming date: November 20th at 9pm. The music is a mix of Latin beats including Sals...