Summer Youth Dance

Kids are the future, yes this is true and I'm honored to be a part of the dance journey of so many curious, gifted and talented young individuals. Here's a heads up for the parents of those great movers. Honoring Balorico's comittment to developing pre-professional dancers, below are three opportunities to train, challenge and practice performing! YOUTH SUMMER DANCE TRAINING with Vanessa
Balorico Youth Dance Program runs June 4th- July 30 Mondays at Kenyon Hall (Ages 8-15) This 8 session series will cover Ballroom & Latin dances culminating in a final demonstration on July 30th at Kenyon Hall. Dance This Summer Intensive for experienced teens July 2-7 (Ages 13-21) This 6 session intensive will focus on Salsa and culminate in a final showcase at the Moore Theater. So You Think You Can Dance Camp August 13-24 (Ages 8+) This 2 week intensive will cover Latin dances and culminate in a final production at the Alki Kurose middle school. ADULTS I'll see you this Monday April, 2nd for a new cycle of classes at Kenyon Hall. Beginner Latin 6:30pm, Advanced beginners 7:30pm, Ballroom Basics 8:3pm

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