Summer of Dance - All in August

Congrats to the lovely Lian & Delila and Jenny & Andrew as they created magic on the dance floor these past few weeks with their First Wedding Dances.

Newcomers to social dance are always warmly welcome at our classes. Open level drop-in classes are meant to spark community interaction among socially savvy dancers and beginners in a fluid way. We never turn anyone away. This said, there are a few things new dancers can do to prepare: 1) Listen to music and try to count evenly to the beat in a pattern of 1-8. Add some toe-tapping or finger-snapping and you'll begin the process of feeling the beat. 2) Partner-less? No worries. Most people take lessons in order to improve their chances at meeting new people and/or get closer to their partners with a shared activity. The point being, with dance as your partner, you will learn new ways of interacting with people on a healthy, physical level. (Body required, nothing else.) Lastly, 3) bring a mental clean slate, no matter what previous hang-ups may linger in your mind, or how much previous training you've had, starting fresh each time makes for a better experience for you and the class. All can dance, I truly believe this, so should you! See you Mondays at Kenyon Hall.

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